Maseno University E-Learning Portal

Maseno University  Admission Letter – Maseno University KUCCPS Admission 2022/2023

KUCCPS has released the Admission Letters for applicants who have gained admission to study at Maseno University for the 2022/2023 academic year. >>>Maseno University KUCCPS...
Adventist University of Africa -AUA Intake Application Portal

AUA KUCCPS Admission Letter 2022/2023

KUCCPS has released the Admission Letters for applicants who have gained admission to study at Adventist University of Africa -AUA for the 2022/2023 academic...
Michuki Technical Training Institute Intake Application Portal

Michuki TTI KUCCPS Admission Letter 2022/2023

KUCCPS has released the Admission Letters for applicants who have gained admission to study at Michuki Technical Training Institute -TTI for the 2022/2023 academic...
Laikipia University E-Learning Portal

Laikipia University KUCCPS Admission Letter 2022/2023

KUCCPS has released the Admission Letters for applicants who have gained admission to study at Laikipia University  for the 2022/2023 academic year. >>>Laikipia University  KUCCPS...
The East African University -TEAU Intake Application Portal

TEAU KUCCPS Admission Letter 2022/2023

KUCCPS has released the Admission Letters for applicants who have gained admission to study at The East African University -TEAU for the 2022/2023 academic...
Matili Technical Training Institute -TTI Courses

Matili TTI KUCCPS Admission Letter 2022/2023

KUCCPS has released the Admission Letters for applicants who have gained admission to study at Matili Technical Training Institute -TTI for the 2022/2023 academic...