GDE Grade 1 – 8 Admission Online Registration 2025

GDE Admissions Grade 1 and Grade 8 Online Registration Guidelines, Requirements, Eligibility, and How to Apply to GDE for Admission.

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Documents needed for international students to apply for admission to GDE

  • The parent’s or legal guardian’s passport
  • Proof of home or work address
  • Child’s Asylum Seeker or Refugee Permit
  • Current academic report card (if the child is applying for Grade 8)

GDE Admission Application Date

The online application period for learners to be admitted to schools in Grade 1 and/or Grade 8 in 2024 opens at 08:00 on July 22 and closes on August 19.

How to Register For GDE Admission

Log on to and click on Create a username and password, and then register your details. The system will guide you through each one of the five steps to making an application.

Keep the username and password for future use.

If you don’t have access to the internet, you can travel to any local school or district office to get help applying online.

Some community or church halls will serve as admissions centers to assist parents with the application process.

Apply for NSFAS Funding through eZaga

How do I get notified of my child’s admission to GDE?

Parents will receive offers of placement via SMS from 3 October up to 15.

Grade 1 and Grade 8 Documents Required for GDE Admission in 2025

After you’ve completed your online registration for 2024, the school you selected during the application process needs to receive the following paperwork:. The application confirmation message will include a list of the required papers for South African and non-South African citizens.

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The following documents must be provided by parents or legal guardians for applications for grades 1 and 8:

  • The parent’s or legal guardian’s ID document
  • Learner’s birth certificate
  • Proof of home or work address
  • Immunization/clinic document (for Grade 1 applicants) proving vaccination against tuberculosis, tetanus, hepatitis B, polio, measles, and diphtheria
  • Most recent report card (if the child is currently enrolled in another school)



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