SC/NSC May/June Exam Timetable PDF Download

SC/NSC Exam Timetable PDF Download

SC/NSC Exam Timetable PDF Download, Schedule, Criteria, Eligibility, and How to Download the Timetable.

The PDF Exam Schedule for SC/NSC for the year 2024 has been released by the Department of Education for applicants who intend to partake in the exercise to avoid missing any exams.

The National Senior Certificate (NSC) examinations

The National Senior Certificate (NSC) examinations, commonly referred to as “matric,” have become an annual event of major public significance. It not only signifies the culmination of twelve years of formal schooling, but the NSC examinations are a barometer of the health of the education system.

The first national examination, under the newly elected democratic government, was administered in November 1996, following a highly decentralized approach.

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How to Download 2024 May and June SC/NSC Examination Timetable PDF

To be able to download the SC/NSC examination timetable, one must have a device capable of storing PDF files and a steady internet connection.

If you have gotten all of this, click on the link below to download the examination timetable.

May, June SC/NSC Exam Timetable 2024 PDF


When will the final National Senior Certificate examination be conducted?

From October to December of each year.

Must a learner register to write the final National Senior Certificate examination?

Yes, before March 15 of the year, a learner will sit for the final examination. All subjects to be written, including those from approved assessment bodies, must be registered.

NSC October/November Examination Timetable Download.

Who is eligible to write the National Senior Certificate examination?

  • Current Grade 12 learners
  • Anyone who wants to improve on their previous NSC results and who is still a NSC candidate (i.e., has not had their certificate changed to SC) may register as a part-time candidate for the NSC examinations.
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What are the minimum requirements for a candidate to obtain a National Senior Certificate?

The minimum requirements are:

  • Achieve 40% in three subjects, one of which is an official language at the Home Language level, and 30% in three other subjects as stipulated in the policy.
  • Provide full evidence in the SBA component in the subjects offered

!0 Study Tips for exam preparations

In preparing for your final exams work through as many past examination papers as you can.

Remember, your success in the final exam will depend on how much extra time you put into preparing.

  • Have all your materials ready before you begin studying: pencils, pens, highlighters, paper, etc.
  • Be positive. Make sure your brain holds onto the information you are learning by reminding yourself how important it is to remember the work and get the marks.
  • Take a walk outside. A change of scenery will stimulate your learning. You’ll be surprised at how much more you take in after being outside in the fresh air.
  • Break up your learning sections into manageable parts. Trying to learn too much at one time will only result in a tired, unfocused and anxious brain.
  • Keep your study sessions short but effective and reward yourself with short, constructive breaks.
  • Teach your concepts to anyone who will listen. It might feel strange at first, but it is worth reading your revision notes aloud.
  • Your brain learns well with colors and pictures. Try to use them whenever you can.
  • Be confident with the learning areas you know well and focus your brain energy on the sections that you find more difficult to take in.
  • Repetition is the key to retaining the information you have to learn. Keep going – don’t give up!
  • Sleeping at least 8 hours every night, eating properly, and drinking plenty of water are all important things you need to do for your brain. Studying for exams is like strenuous exercise, so you must be physically prepared.
What is the role of Umalusi?

Umalusi is responsible for the quality assurance of assessments in Grade 12 and issues the National Senior Certificate to successful candidates.

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